Happy New Year!
How's your pandemic going?
Don't know whether to laugh or cry at that? yeah, me neither.
This past year has been . . . a millenia
Thank god it is finally behind us.
Usually I try to make a new years post about how much I got done in the past year, how much fun I had and all I learned, and all the things I look forward to in the new year.
Well, fuck it.
It is kind of hard to reflect on such a weird year so optimistically. And it feels strange to plan for a 'brighter' future when all the plans I had for 2020 blew up so spectacularly that I still haven't found all the pieces!
So instead of reflecting on the shit, or shining a false light on the not so shitty to make it seem pretty, I'm just going to say -
Hey, it's a new day. And a new year.
Glad you are all still here to see it.